Saturday, 19 January 2013

Hippychick Hip Seat

by Hippychick

Cost (at today's date): 
£39.95 at (varies on other sites depending on colour from about £21).

My blurb:
The Hippychick Hipseat is a simple idea. It is basically a belt with a shelf. It is marketed as an aid to stop back strain when holding an infant. 
However, for me the true benefit was that it takes the little one's weight so I only need to wrap my arm around her. This means that I can now get on with everyday tasks which require 2 hands, opening cans, baking, crafts with my toddler.  I loved using it at the zoo.
I am sure my back benefits too. 

What we liked:
I could get on with 2 handed tasks with a clingy baby. I used it when preparing dinner, pealing apples etc.
I could easily use it when going out on day trips, walking to the park, at softplay.
Can be washed.

What we didn't like:
You have to be bothered to put it on when you need it. It's a bit bulky to carry around and you need somewhere to put it.
Our 30lb toddler (aged 3) is too heavy for it.

What we think could be improved: 
A small attachment or hook to enable it to be hung up on a coat hanger.

In a nutshell:
More useful than you'd initially think.

See for yourself - the link:

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