Saturday 19 January 2013

Hippychick Hip Seat

by Hippychick

Cost (at today's date): 
£39.95 at (varies on other sites depending on colour from about £21).

My blurb:
The Hippychick Hipseat is a simple idea. It is basically a belt with a shelf. It is marketed as an aid to stop back strain when holding an infant. 
However, for me the true benefit was that it takes the little one's weight so I only need to wrap my arm around her. This means that I can now get on with everyday tasks which require 2 hands, opening cans, baking, crafts with my toddler.  I loved using it at the zoo.
I am sure my back benefits too. 

What we liked:
I could get on with 2 handed tasks with a clingy baby. I used it when preparing dinner, pealing apples etc.
I could easily use it when going out on day trips, walking to the park, at softplay.
Can be washed.

What we didn't like:
You have to be bothered to put it on when you need it. It's a bit bulky to carry around and you need somewhere to put it.
Our 30lb toddler (aged 3) is too heavy for it.

What we think could be improved: 
A small attachment or hook to enable it to be hung up on a coat hanger.

In a nutshell:
More useful than you'd initially think.

See for yourself - the link:

Ikea High Chair - Antilop

Antilop high chair from Ikea 

Cost (at today's date): £12 chair, £4 tray, £5.50 cushion

My blurb:
Basic plastic high chair with removable metal legs. Comes in white, red or blue.
Can be bought with or without tray and/or cushion. Often found in cafes and soft play centres.
Easily dismantled. We only used the cushion for the first 3 months.

What we liked:
Great for small spaces. Fits beside most tables.
Very easy to dismantle, to travel with, or to leave at grandparents house without taking up much space.
The strap is very simple to use.
Easy to clean.

What we didn't like:
The tray is smaller than other high chairs on the market
The high chair isn't decorated and the inflatable cushion only goes around the sides so the bottom isn't padded (although we used our own cushion).

What we think could be improved: 
Optional decorations or a choice of differently decorated trays.
A seat cushion for the bottom.

In a nutshell:
Small and simple. Great value for money.

See for yourself - the link: